Vauban's Wars allows you to become one of the great captains of siege warfare: Vauban, Coehorn, Marlborough, or Prince Eugene of Savoy to name a few. The rules are designed to produce a fun and playable siege in an evening of gaming. The rules cover from 1672 to 1815 with these specific wars in mind:
Wars of the Louis XIV (1688-1697)
War of the Austrian Succession (1740-1748)
Seven Years War (1756-1763)
Turkish Wars vs Russians and Austrians (1710-1812)
Wars of the French Revolution (1792-1802)
Napoleonic Wars (1803-1815)
Vauban's Wars allows the flexibility of using the player's favorite tactical rules for large sorties and assaults.
A turn is roughly 3-4 days, and the rules cover powder supply, critical damage, unique events, disease, weather, food supply, security, trench raids (minor sorties), coups de main, popular support, sapping, mining, countermining, espionage, etc.
1 x Spiral bound rule book – 97 pages (full color)
1 x Turn & Weather Sheet (hard card stock and full color)
2 x Quick Reference Sheets (hard card stock and Black and White)
1 x Powder Expenditure Sheet (hard card stock and full color)
6 x Sequence Deck Card Sheets that you can cut out and sleeve. (hard card stock and full color)
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SKU: PK1050
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